Pre-Processing Guide

Pre-processors are useful when you want to modify the input event before passing it on to your processor. It’s mostly a convenience feature, because processors can always just accept the event and use it directly. Though, because pre-processors are any function, they can also fetch additional values not present in the event.

Structural Pre-Processing

One use of pre-processors is to change the structure of input events to make them more convenient to manipulate for processors. For example, you could turn an input event into a dataclass:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

class User:
    name: str
    email: str
    role: str

def event_to_user(event: Dict) -> User:  # This is a pre-processor
    user = event["user"]
    return User(

    {"": Any, "": Any, "user.role": Any},
def my_processor(user: User):  # The processor takes a User
    return user.role == "admin"

    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"name": "John", "email": "", "role": "admin"}}),
    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"name": "Bob", "email": "", "role": "user"}}),
True False

Data Pre-Processing

Another use of pre-processors is to fetch additional external data from, realistically, any source you could imagine. This can also be combined with dependencies to create dynamic pre-processors that can fetch data from external sources. Here’s an example:

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

class User:
    name: str
    email: str
    role: str

class FakeDbClient:
    database = {
        "": {"role": "admin", "name": "John"},
        "": {"role": "user", "name": "Bob"}

    def fetch_by_email(self, email: str) -> User:
        user = self.database.get(email, {})
        return User(

def event_to_user(event: Dict, db_client: FakeDbClient) -> User:
    email = event["user"]["email_3"]
    user = db_client.fetch_by_email(email=email)
    return user

def db_client(_name: str) -> FakeDbClient:
    return FakeDbClient()

    {"user.email_3": Any},
def my_processor(user: User):
    return user.role == "admin"

    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email_3": ""}}),
    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email_3": ""}})
False True

For more details on dependency injection, see the Dependency Injection Guide. The gist is that you can specify dependencies in the decorator, and they will automatically be injected into either the processor, pre-processor, or both, depending on the parameters.

Bigger Data Pre-Processing Example

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

class FakeDynamoClient:
    database = {
        "users": [
            {"Email": {"S": ""}, "Role": {"S": "user"}},
            {"Email": {"S": ""}, "Role": {"S": "admin"}}

    def get_item(self, TableName="", Key={}):
        table = self.database.get(TableName, {})
        key_name = list(Key.keys())[0]
        record = [e for e in table if e[key_name]["S"] == Key[key_name]["S"]][0]
        return {"Item": record}

class User:
    email: str
    role: str

def boto_clients(client_name: str) -> FakeDynamoClient:
    if client_name == "dynamodb":
        return FakeDynamoClient()
        raise NotImplementedError()

# Uses the dynamodb client specified in the processor decorator
def event_to_user(event: Dict, dynamodb_client: FakeDynamoClient):
    email = event["user"]["email"]
    response = dynamodb_client.get_item(
                    Key={"Email": {"S": email}}
    role = response["Item"]["Role"]["S"]

    return User(email=email, role=role)

# Does not use the dynamodb client, but needs it for pre-processing
    {"": Any},
def my_processor(user: User):
    return user.role == "admin"

    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": ""}}),
    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": ""}})
False True