Dependency Injection Guide

Sometimes, you want processors to take actions on external resources or services. To do this, it’s usually necessary to use a client from a SDK, or a class you built yourself which encapsulates the state for your client.

These clients most often require authentication, API keys, or other such things. Dependency injection is a clean and convenient solution to the problem of supplying clients to event processors.


At its core, this library expects factory functions to exist for those clients (either made by you or not). These factories are used to create client instances, which will be forwarded to processors or pre-processors. You should use the EventProcessor.dependency_factory() decorator to register factory functions.

Registering Dependency Factories

Only factories that have been previously registered can be used in the processor decorator. Those factories should be registered with the EventProcessor.dependency_factory() decorator. Factories are just functions that take a single string argument (the client or SDK name) and return an instance of the client or SDK.

Combining Dependencies and Pre-Processors

This is a powerful use-case for both pre-processors and dependency injection. Since dependencies will be forwarded to the pre-processor (optionally) as well as the processor (also optionally), it’s possible to ues pre-processors to make external API calls or to use a database. This keeps the processors very simple and it also allows the pre-processors to fully benefit from dependency injection. You can find an example of this use-case in the Pre-Processing Guide.

When does Injection Occur?

Forwarding occurs when dependencies are specified in the processor decorator and either the processor itself or the pre-processor require dependencies. They are determined to require dependencies whenever they take more than a single parameter.

For processors and pre-processors, the first parameter will always be the event (or the output of pre-processing), so other parameters will be dependencies. Do note that processors and pre-processors can either take no dependencies or all depencies, they cannot only take a few dependencies.

Full Example

An especially convenient use-case for dependency injection is the AWS boto3 client. The following example gives an idea for how you could use dependency injection to work with boto3 clients.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

class FakeDynamoClient:
    database = {
        "users": [
            {"Email": {"S": ""}, "Role": {"S": "user"}},
            {"Email": {"S": ""}, "Role": {"S": "admin"}}

    def get_item(self, TableName="", Key={}):
        table = self.database.get(TableName, {})
        key_name = list(Key.keys())[0]
        record = [e for e in table if e[key_name]["S"] == Key[key_name]["S"]][0]
        return {"Item": record}

class User:
    email: str
    role: str

def boto_clients(client_name: str) -> FakeDynamoClient:
    if client_name == "dynamodb":
        return FakeDynamoClient()
        raise NotImplementedError()

# Uses the dynamodb client specified in the processor decorator
def event_to_user(event: Dict, dynamodb_client: FakeDynamoClient):
    email = event["user"]["email"]
    response = dynamodb_client.get_item(
                    Key={"Email": {"S": email}}
    role = response["Item"]["Role"]["S"]

    return User(email=email, role=role)

# Does not use the dynamodb client, but needs it for pre-processing
    {"": Any},
def my_processor(user: User):
    return user.role == "admin"

    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": ""}}),
    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": ""}})
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