Quick Start

Here are some examples to illustrate common features of the library. These examples are not exhaustive, so you are encouraged to still look through the rest of the docs to discover more powerful or less common use-cases.

Simple Filtering

This is as simple as it gets, just calling the right processor depending on the event.

from typing import Dict

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

@event_processor.processor({"service.type": "service_a"})
def process_service_a(event: Dict):
    return event["service"]["status"] == "up"

@event_processor.processor({"service.type": "service_b"})
def process_service_b(event: Dict):
    return event["service"]["authorized"]

service_a_event = {
    "service": {
        "type": "service_a",
        "status": "down"
service_b_event = {
    "service": {
        "type": "service_b",
        "authorized": False

print(event_processor.invoke(service_a_event), event_processor.invoke(service_b_event))
False False

Any Filter

Sometimes you want to make sure there’s a value at a given path in the event, but you don’t care what it is, or you may want to dynamically do things with it in the processor.

from typing import Any, Dict

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

@event_processor.processor({"user.email": Any})
def process_user(event: Dict):
    return event["user"]["email"] == "admin@example.com"

    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": "admin@example.com"}}),
    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": "not-admin@example.com"}})
True False


It can be convenient to to work with actual python objects rather than raw dictionaries, so you can use pre-processors for processors.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

database = {
    "user@example.com": {"role": "user"},
    "admin@example.com": {"role": "admin"}

class User:
    email: str
    role: str

def event_to_user(event: Dict):
    email = event["user"]["email"]
    role = database.get(email, {}).get("role")
    return User(email=email, role=role)

@event_processor.processor({"user.email": Any}, pre_processor=event_to_user)
def process_user(user: User):
    return user.role == "admin"

    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": "user@example.com"}}),
    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": "admin@example.com"}})
False True

Dependency Injection

Sometimes, you might want to call external services from a processor, so you can have your dependencies automatically injected.

from typing import Any

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

class FakeBotoClient:
    parameters = {"admin_email": "admin@example.com"}

    def get_parameter(self, Name=""):
        return {"Parameter": {"Value": self.parameters.get(Name)}}

def boto3_clients(client_name: str):
    if client_name == "ssm":
        return FakeBotoClient()
        raise NotImplementedError()

@event_processor.processor({"user.email": Any}, boto3_clients=("ssm",))
def process_user(event: Dict, ssm_client: FakeBotoClient):
    ssm_response = ssm_client.get_parameter(Name="admin_email")
    admin_email = ssm_response["Parameter"]["Value"]
    return event["user"]["email"] == admin_email

    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": "admin@example.com"}}),
    event_processor.invoke({"user": {"email": "user@example.com"}})
True False

Bigger Apps & Modules

All these examples have assumed everything happens in a single file, which is not the case for most application. So if your application is a bit more substantial and you want to split it up into modules, this is how you do it.


This example does not feature dependency factories, but it works the same way. You can simply add factories to subprocessors and they will automatically get added to the main processor when you call add_subprocessor on it. Also, if a factory with a given name already exists in the main processor, it will not be added again, so if you have multiple factories with the same name, but different behavior, the one in the main processor will be used.

from event_processor import EventProcessor

event_processor = EventProcessor()

@event_processor.processor({"key": "value"})
def my_processor(event):
   return event["key"]
from event_processor import EventProcessor

from src.my_processor import event_processor as my_processor

main_processor = EventProcessor()

def main(event):
>>> main({"key": "value"})

The idea here is to define isolated processors in python submodules (as seen in my_processor.py) and to import those processors back into the main module, to add them as subprocessors to the main processor. You can add as many subprocessors as you want, but there can be no overlap in filter expressions, just like if you were always using the same event processor.

This is unfortunately required because of the way Python imports work. It would not be possible to instead import the main procesor from submodules, because then since nothing would import the submodules, the processors would never be registered.