
Processors are the least involved part of the library. All you have to do is register your processors into an event processor so that events can be dispatched to it.

Multiple Event Processors

Note that when you register a processor, it will be invoked only by the event processor for which it is registered. For example,

from event_processor import EventProcessor, InvocationError
from event_processor.filters import Accept

event_processor = EventProcessor()
other_event_processor = EventProcessor()

def my_processor():

event_processor.invoke({})  # This is fine, a processor exists for the event

    other_event_processor.invoke({})  # This will raise
except InvocationError:


In a big application, you might not want to have all your processors in the same module, so it’s possible to setup sub-processors which get merged with a main processor.

from event_processor import EventProcessor
from event_processor.filters import Accept

sub_processor = EventProcessor()

def my_processor():

from event_processor import EventProcessor
from event_processor.filters import Accept

# from import sub_processor

main_processor = EventProcessor()

# Note that we are invoking on the main processor,
# but the event will be dispatched to the sub-processor.
result = main_processor.invoke({})


Ranking Processors


It’s not always necessary to use ranking. Take a look at the warning on the Filters page to learn more and see if it’s something you need to be concerned about.

Since it’s not possible for the library to guess what should happen to a particular event matching multiple filters, figuring that out is left up to the user. In most cases, it’s as simple as not worrying about it, but sometimes, dealing with ambiguous filters is just unavoidable.

This is when you should use processor ranking. A processor’s rank is basically an indicator of how much priority it has with regards to other processors. It’s what helps the library call the right processor for an event that might match multiple processors.

Here’s an example of how you can use ranking :


The default rank for processors is 0. The matching processor with the highest rank will be called. To learn how to specify what to do when multiple processors match with the same rank, see Invocation Strategy.

from event_processor import EventProcessor
from event_processor.filters import Exists, Eq

event_processor = EventProcessor()

def processor_a():
    print("Processor a!")

@event_processor.processor(Eq("a", "b"), rank=1)
def processor_b():
    print("Processor b!")

event_processor.invoke({"a": "b"})
event_processor.invoke({"a": "not b"})
Processor b!
Processor a!

Invocation Strategy

To choose how to invoke your processor(s) in the case that multiple processors with the same rank all match a given event, you have to choose an invocation strategy.


The default invocation strategy is the First Match strategy.

First Match

This strategy calls the first matching processor (among those with the highest rank). It returns the processor’s return value as-is.

All Matches

This strategy calls all the matching processors (that have the highest rank). It returns a tuple of results for all the processors (even if only a single match occurred).

No Matches

This strategy calls none of the matching processors if there are more than one (and returns none). Otherwise, it calls the single matching processor and returns its value as-is.

No Matches Strict

This strategy calls none of the matching processors if there are more than one, and it raises an exception. Otherwise, it calls the single matching processors and returns its value as-is.


To use a non-default invocation strategy, use the provided InvocationStrategies enum like so :

from event_processor import EventProcessor, InvocationStrategies
from event_processor.filters import Exists, Eq

event_processor = EventProcessor(invocation_strategy=InvocationStrategies.ALL_MATCHES)

def processor_a():
    print("Processor a!")

@event_processor.processor(Eq("a", "b"))
def processor_b():
    print("Processor b!")

event_processor.invoke({"a": "b"})
Processor a!
Processor b!


The main things to keep in mind for processors are :

  • The same filter can only be used by one processor.

  • It’s possible to have ambiguous filters and those should be resolved with ranking.

  • Invocation strategies are used when the rank doesn’t resolve ambiguous filters.